Monday, December 03, 2007

Snow-day Ideas

Yay! NO SCHOOL! You want to know why? Because I slept with a wooden spoon under my pillow! I'm not really sure if that's what did it, but anyways, here are some cool ideas if you get bored today. (This post is for Betty! You go girl!)

  • Fill a cup with snow and add your desired amount of maple syrup. So good!
  • Take a spray bottle full of water and food coloring and spray-paint the snow. This can look really awesome!
  • If you have a fire place today is the perfect day to use it! Build a fire, get a cozy blanket, and make some s'mores! Mmmmmmmm.....!
  • Get creative with your snowman. Maybe you could make a snowwoman, cat, dog, or even a big snow tiger! You can use the spray bottles from your graffiti project to paint your snow creations!
  • Have a cookie baking party! Invite a couple of friends over and tell them to bring their favorite cookie recipe. Before the day is over you'll have enough cookies for the whole neighborhood!

Have any good snow-day ideas? Let me know! I'm bored!

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