Tuesday, December 04, 2007

My Pyramid/Tracker

At this time of year when all the holiday goodies get to you, you say to yourself "My New Year's Resolution will be to lose some weight and stay on a diet." Unfortuneately just saying it isn't going to do anything. If you want to stay healthy this holiday season and ultimately for life, go to these government sponsered websites:

This webpage lets you write down what you eat daily, and then tells you if you were right on track with your healthy kick, or if you need to keep working. Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage and click on New User Registration. Completely safe to sign up!

This webpage shows you exactly what you should be eating according to your age, height, weight, and daily physical activity. Helpful!

Good luck and I hope you stick to it, just like me! (I might just put up a reminder every once and a while for those of you that decide to use these sites.)


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