Monday, December 03, 2007

Book List

Three new books to check out (Get it! Check out ! Haha!) for your December reading:

Title: The Angel Expierement
Author: James Patterson
Rating: * * * * *
Notes: It doesn't look good, but never judge a book by it's cover!
Title: School's Out Forever
Author: James Paterson (sequal to The Angel Expierement)
Rating: * * * * *
Notes: 400 pages for those of you in Mrs. DiZazzo's English class
Title: Alice Rose & Sam (murder story!)
Author: Kathryn Lasky
Rating so far (I'm in the process of reading it): * * * *
Notes: Takes place in the late 1800's, early 1900's, so it could be considered a historical fiction book as well as adventure

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