Sunday, December 23, 2007

Hey There Delilah Prologue

Check out the prologue of The Weekly Harold's first story, Hey There Delilah.

“Hurry up Jolie! It’s pouring!” my best friend called out to me through the maze of raindrops falling all around us.
“Hold on! This stupid umbrella won’t open!” I fiddled with the darn thing for a few more seconds, until I decided to give up. “My mom is gonna kill me!” I mumbled as I hurried along side Delilah. My blue silk dress was already dripping with sweet rainwater and we had only gotten out of the school auditorium three minutes earlier. I could feel my feet slowly sliding out of my new strappy black sandals. I scrunched up my toes, praying they would stay on.
“Come on! I can see my mom’s car up ahead! Just across the street in the extra school parking lot!” A huge clap of thunder sounded above our heads, closely followed by a streak of lighting as we dashed into the street. The storm was quickly growing worse. The lightning lit up the night sky and Delilah’s smiling face. At least I thought it was lightning.
It happened so suddenly. Delilah’s smile quickly faded as her face turned an eery orange in the flood of headlights. I turned around just in time to see the car come racing towards us. The last thing I remember was the long, drawn out beep of a car horn and the flashing red and blue lights of a siren…


Elmo and Jaimie said...


Anonymous said...

Harold it's amazing! I can't wait for chapter 1!