Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hey There Delilah, Chapter Seven

"Oh, hello!" I jumped at the sound of her voice. It was soft and silky smooth, almost like honey. "You must be Jolie." I nodded, not knowing what else to do. "My name is Leila."

I didn't know how to reply. It was as if my mind froze up like wet hair in mid January. My tongue felt feathery and dry in my mouth. No sound came out.

I had been so nervous about this day, meeting this person that I would have to pour my heart and soul into for the next couple of months, maybe longer. A therapist was not my best friend, was never going to be! How could I tell a complete stranger about every little thing that went on inside my brain? It would never be the same! But as I blinked at Leila, something about this theory seemed slightly ridiculous. She seemed so nice, so innocent, so trustworthy--NO! I thought to myself. I couldn't let this happen. I didn't want too get close to anyone ever again, because in a split second it could all be over...

"Hi." The quiet croak that I mustered up from somewhere deep inside me seemed miniscule in comparison to Leila's strong don't-worry-about-a-thing voice.
"Hi!" she replied cheerily. "Come have a seat!" She brought me over to an armchair opposite her and poured me my own cup of herbal tea. After she settled herself in her chair, Leila took a deep yoga breath and looked at me with her electric blue eyes. "So," she started. "You know my name is Leila and I know your name is Jolie and we both know that I am your 'therapist.'" She air quoted the word with her fingers. "But I'd prefer we not think of it that way. Instead I'll be your...healer...or adviser. Sound okay with you?" Silently, I nodded. Note-to-self, she's also a bit kooky.
"Your mother told me that you have to go to the orthodontist, so our visit today will be cut a little short, so I'll give you your 'present,'" Again with the air quotes! "first." Leila stuck a bangle-covered hand into a larger-than-life canvas bag and pulled out something covered in lavender and silver wrapping paper. "Go on!" she coaxed. "Open it."
With my eyes fixd on Leila, I slowly opened the package. I had no idea what it could be. As I pulled off the last bit of paper, though, I found out.

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