Tuesday, February 19, 2008


How do like The Weekly Harold's first serialized (written in parts) story? Do you have comments or suggestions? Are you a huge fan and are craving more of this fabulous story? Maybe you want to know what inspired this story or who the characters are based on. Well as your chief writer I have all the answers! (Feel free to leave any comments, questions, or suggestions about The Weekly Harold in general as well!)
You can leave your comments by clicking the teeny tiny "Comments" button directly below this post. Leave your message and then select annonymous or a nickname or even your blogger username if you have one. (Nicknames are prefered because they are more creative. Make up a silly name or use a name/inside joke that I would know if you are one of my amazingly awesome comrads.)
My crew and I are looking forward to receiving your wonderful words of wisdom!
P.S. This Sunday's chapter of Hey There Delilah will be the reveal of what the title of the story really means. (!)
P.P.S. you can also email comments or things you would like me to post (original songs, poetry, a funny story or joke, writing in general, etc.) at: theweeklyharold@gmail.com


Anonymous said...

harold, this story is amazing!!! i am positively hooked! i am jumping out of my seat just waiting for this sunday's chapter.
you also asked if we had any advice for the site. i absolutely lve what you already have! if i had to choose one thing to add i would choose some comedy: you know, more funny stories, jokes, etc.

jebers said...
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Anonymous said...

I love the story and think it's very well written. I just wish you could write as fast as I can read! Love, Auntie J.

Anonymous said...

this is a great story
i also love the videos
but wish that you would update it more
and not have sooooo many things on the sidebar
~The poetic poet <3

Anonymous said...

uhh... where is last sunday's chapter (the one that reveals the meaning to the title)?? hust wondering.