Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Hey There Delilah, Chapitre Cinq (Chapter Five)

At twelve o'clock exactly my mother and I arrived at the therapist's building. I pushed open the door to the hideous boxy building. It looked like the 80's and a gray hairball got mixed in a blender and spit out in the form of a huge trash cube. Not exactly my idea of calming, but if you thought the outside of the building sounds nasueating, you obviously haven't begun to think of the inside.
The walls had once been painted a pretty sea foam green, but it presently looked more like bog water. The shag carpet was a deep green, straight off the soccer field. There was a small clutter of child sized plastic chairs clustered around a matching table. The table was piled high with markers, crayons, colored pencils, and old Chuggy the Choo-Choo Train picture books. Oppposite this side of the spacious room sat a love seat, some-what matching couch, and five mauve colored plastic arm chairs. I chose the safest route and sat in the only chair that seemed to be gum free. I breathed in the crisp scent of Febreze, hoping to calm my nerves. My mom perched placidly on the chair next to me, flipping through the lastest issue of People Magazine. I sighed to try to get her attention. "Sigh!" No response. "Sigh!" Still nothing. I tried once more, and this time it worked. "What?" she said looking at me.
"Nothing," I responded, even though I knew this wasn't true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I Just love your site, keep up the fabulous job!