Monday, June 23, 2008

Friendship Metaphor Poem

Confetti Eruption

My friends are
An explosion of confetti.
Many colors,
Many moods, many minds.

Sarah is the pile of confetti before the outburst.
Unpretentious at first glance,
Her true nature lies deep within,
A burst of surprise energy waiting to happen.

Kenzie is the pair of hands
That pulls the plug and starts the outbreak,
Sending us off into a diffusion
Of manic giggles.

Paige, Katherine and Emily
Are the first handful of pieces
To shoot through the air,
All laughter, all the time.

They soar high as the heavens,
Letting their guffaws
Bounce into our ears,
Long after the fun is over.

Then there is Christina.
She is the one lonely bit of colored paper
That realizes the explosion has already happened
When it’s too late.
Silently, she floats to the ground,
Wondering why everyone else is laughing.

And finally, there’s me.
I am the overseer of the operation,
Making sure that everything is just as it should be,
Wild and wacky,
Non-stop fun.

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