Monday, June 23, 2008

Baby Cousin Poem

Luca’s Dance

As soon as I exit the car,
I can see his little head
Pop into view of the window,
His smile like a ray of sunshine.

Luca tugs at the door
With all of his might,
But his little baby body
Cannot open the barrier between us.

When I step into his house,
Luca is unable to control his excitement any longer.
He rushes into my arms,
Showering me with a wet mass of kid kisses.

He then starts to dance around the room,
Jumping and prancing like a gazelle,
Pure happiness gushing from within,
While singing a tune all his own.

“Play with this! Come on! Look at this!”
Are the words tumbling from his little mouth.
Luca tugs us in all directions,
Ecstatic at the idea of new playmates.

Excited as a four year old can be
To see his older cousins,
I have to admit,
I can’t wait to see him either.

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