Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hey There Delilah, Chapter 6

"Jolie Anderson." I quickly looked up. "Jolie Anderson." A heavy set woman with a boring monotone voice was sitting at the front desk of the waiting room. She lazily let her watery, blank cow eyes wander around the room in search of me. My mother beckoned for me to go to the desk.
"Have fun," she whispered to me as I walked off. Ha! This would be anything but fun.
"I'm Jolie Anderson," I said to the woman. She continued flipping through her stack of files and pointed to a door marked #2 close to the opening of a dimly lit hallway. I took her simple gesture to mean "Go in there and let me get back to work." As I made the short treck to the office, I could feel my heart start to beat a little faster. I grasped the cold, golden door knob, palms sweating and hands shaking. Being nervous was one of the things I was best at.
Ever so slowly, the door creaked open and instantly I was bathed in a warm bright light. The strong scent of tropical flowers washed over me, flooding my senses. It made me feel completely at ease, almost as if I was lying on an exotic beach in Jaimaca surrounded by cococut trees and clear turquise water.
Quickly I realized that I wasn't alone. A young woman that looked to be in her early 30's sat comfortably curled up on a cream colored armchair. She was sipping what smelled like herbal tea. In her other hand was a small paperback book titled "Swimmingly Fishy." Her completely serene expression was framed by soft golden curls that lay traquilly on her shoulders. The woman's outfit silently screamed that she was a colorful and energetic person. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad afterall.
"Oh, hello!" I jumped at the sound of her voice. It was soft and silky smooth, almost like honey. "You must be Jolie." I nodded, not knowing what else to do. "My name is Leila."


Random Wordz Weekly said...
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Anonymous said...

you need to make more polls!!!!!!

Emily said...
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Anonymous said...

Swimmingly Fishy is one of the best books ever! Everyone must read it! I can't wait to see Chapter number 6!

Haley B. said...

um, elmo? that was chapter six.