A PUPPY has been born in Japan with a large, clear, love-heart-shaped pattern in his coat. The Chihuahua was born in May as one of a litter to a breeder. Shop owner Emiko Sakurada said it was the first time a puppy with the marks had been born out of a thousand she had bred . She had no plans to sell the puppy, which has been named 'Heart-kun'. The long-coated male Chihuahua puppy was born in Odate, northern Japan. How adorable!
i really like your website but i think there should be more entries on "Hey There Delilah". I like all the other stuff but I want more on the story because it's REALLY GOOD. I really like the other stuff 2 though. That Valentine's Day dog is adorable.
Great blog!!!
Your blog is really funny! I just want to know HOW you came up with that name? Its so cool!!!! I love the dog! <333
(you know who i am)
heyy this is molly again! can you include my blog as a favorite website??? yours is on myn! please e-mail me or something! thx bye!
Sup Haley!!! I meen Harold!!!
How come yer not mailin??? How r u doin? Ur blog is really creative!!! What's Molly's website????
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