Sunday, November 18, 2007

Welcome to The Weekly Harold! Feel free to have a look around at this new fabulous website and all of it's many features! Feel free to send in comments!


Anonymous said...

I love your site! I will keep checking in for sure.

Anonymous said...

Nice site! I really like the layout and you're funny!
(funnier than elmo and jaime lol)
Shhh... don't tell them.

Anonymous said...

hey... it's i'm a moose AGAIN!! i keep posting comments because it makes me feel special. i feel like i'm a part of the crowd. by the way, i just ate a peanut butter cookie from Harvest Market!! those things have the most AMAZING taste in the whole world. omg. my brother's friend zachary crooks (does jack know him?? he has a great last name!) is over and they are sooo annoying. well... i'm going to go watch pay it forward, even though the project in school on that movie kind of ruined the movie. oh well... it's still good. i got it at the library. why do i type so much?? i'm probably like the only one on your blog to leave this long of a comment! i'd better stop before i run out of room. i'll see you at school!!
-Kohler Ima Moose (that's my NICKNAME!! IT'S OFFICIAL!!!!)

Haley B. said...

go kohler! it's your birthday! we're gonna partay like it's your birthday!