Sunday, November 18, 2007


Got any Questions or Comments about "The Weekly Harold"? This is the place to post them!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Haley, Love your new blog and I'll bookmark it so I can look at it every week. I can't wait to see your serial story get started. Happy Turkey Day to you, too. Love, Aunt Jackie

Anonymous said...

your blog is awesome!!! i'm gonna come here every week!!!! See you at school!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
you blog is wicked cool! can i have a code name? i was thinking something like Betty... well anyways... see you at school!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is the best! I can't what what until I come here again!

Anonymous said...

You know who Alfredo is right?

Haley B. said...

of course i know who you are! BTW, when's our wedding?

Anonymous said...

HEY HAROLD! it's i'm a moose again... you know who i am, right?? i hope you do and i hope you didn't forget out i'm a moose joke! if you don't know who i am, i'm also Kohler Inc. located near Dana's lake house. lol! good times!! i love your blog. it's awesome. i'll look at it every week!! bye! oh ya, i'm with sarah about having a code name. something better than i'm a moose... how about just Kohler??!! lol. see you later!!