Saturday, January 05, 2008

Hey There Delilah, Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I screamed. All I did for ten minutes was scream. After five minutes of trying to calm me down, the nurse (whose name turned out to be Cindy) left to go get my mother from the waiting room and some headache medicine for herself. When my mother came in she looked exhausted, broken down, and just plain happy to see me. She rocked me back and forth as best she could from the side of my hospital bed while my breathing started to slow down and my screaming was reduced to occasional whimpers. When I looked up from my mother’s tearstained shoulder, a tall black man was standing in the corner of the room.
“Well, well, well. I see Miss Jolie is finally awake.” I scowled at him. I’m not two, if that’s what you’re thinking!
“Oh, she’s wide awake,” mumbled Cindy, rubbing her head. The doctor shot her a look, then turned towards me once again.
“Let me introduce myself,” he said. “I’m Dr. Smith and this is my nurse Cindy.” He nodded towards Cindy who was busy putting on rubber gloves. “So, how are you feeling? Maybe it’s time we took a look at those bandages of yours.” I looked down at myself and noticed for the first time that almost the entire right side of my body was covered in plaster and gauze.
My right arm was wrapped tightly to the side of my body, clearly broken. I gasped, but choked because some of my ribs were broken, making it difficult to breath. My right leg was also in a cast, much to my dismay. I sighed a deep sigh of pity for myself. Things couldn't get much worse. The entire right side of my body was broken and my best friend was...well...I didn't know if I was ready to talk about that quite yet.
* * * * *
Later that evening I lay in my hopsital bed, willing sleep to come to my troubled head. The window next to my bed was open slighty, allowing a calming breeze to drift into the room. Twinkling in the midnight sky sat hundreds of tiny stars, each one shining brightly as if it held a special secret of its own. I breathed in the warm summer night air, filling my lungs as best I could. My pillow case was sparsely dappled with sweet tears of fear and great sadness. Looking up at the biggest and brightest star I could find I whispered, "Delilah? I know you can hear me. I know you're not really gone, not for good. I know you can see me, even if I can't see you. Please help me. I miss you so much already. Don't go, please don't go!" After I choked out my last few words I felt as if a warm spot in my heart floated away, out the open window, up towards the star. I knew she was gone now, knew she had no choice but to leave me. I couldn't be mad. Not now. She was where she belonged. Instead I just turned away from the window and wept until my heart was as cold as ice, the last bit of warmth sucked from my body...


Anonymous said...

I love your story so far. Your writting style makes me feel as though I am right there with you.

Can't wait for more.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome! I love how you describe it soooooooo detaily! Can't wait til I read more and find out what happens to Jolie!

Anonymous said...

Harold, it will be time when my blog shows the challenge!
Not yet!

Anonymous said...
