Monday, June 23, 2008

New Version of an Old Poem


The night is deadly still,
Except for the calming breeze
Drifting off from the green sea.

The salty air soars up into an ebony night sky,
Guiding my eyes up to the stars.
They twinkle and wink,
Sending me silent stories of the past.

A little girl traveling
Across the vast west
In an old, beat up covered wagon.

A young man lying in bed
After a hard day’s work,
Trying desperately to support his ailing family.

An old woman sitting on her front porch,
Quietly absorbing the balmy night air,
Listening to crickets chirp.

All of these people look up at the same stars
In their times of need, despair, and hope.
Each and every one hear the same song,
The same song that I hear tonight.

“Stargirl, stargirl…”

1 comment:

Erik said...

OMG, and what the HECK is T.B.?????????????????????????