Thursday, July 17, 2008

I miss you!

Hey TWH Readers!
I miss you guys so much! Just wanted to let you know that I haven't been posting because I"m on an awesome-amazing vacation right now. Check back here later this month!

Friday, July 04, 2008

New Book Review (!)

Title: Peeled
Author: Joan Bauer
Rating: * * * 1/2
Summary: This is a small tale of a tiny town in turmoil. Banesville, New York is in for quite a war of the words when the town ghost starts acting up. High school reporter Hildy Biddle is determined to get to the bottom of the real story for her school newspaper, The Core. The problem is that the editor of The Core's only competition in town, The Bee, doesn't want Hildy to find out the truth. Can she do it? Get ready to bite the apple and find out!
Notes: I very much enjoyed this cute story, except their were points when I got confused. Besides that, I would definately recommend it. Now I want to be a reporter!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


I have a bad habit of starting lots of different stories, but never finishing them. I really like the beginnings, so I thought I would post some of them. Here is one called Cowboy.

I was just sitting down to my drink when the door to the saloon blew open. Everyone turned towards it, wondering who it was. There didn't seem to be anyone there, only a tall, dark shadow of a man in a cowboy hat. The room grew silent as everyone realized who it was: Teddy Jones.
The sinister looking man placed one spurred boot into the room. Stomp. Right foot. Stomp. Left foot. Stomp. Right foot. Stomp. Left foot. People stared up at the criminal, trying to take their gaze off of the infamous horse-shoe shaped scar on his left cheek. When Teddy Jones finally reached the bar, he stared into the bar tender's eyes, willing him to flinch. Mr. Williams just stood there, looking like he was about to wet his pants when Teddy Jones let out a roar---of laughter.